Fiendish Dire Corgies Wiki

Paranoid and xenophobic swamp dwellers that look like a cross between a piranha and an alligator.

Racial Traits[]

+2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -4 Charisma (-1): They are astoundingly tough and quite brilliant, but their appearance, self-centeredness, and hermit-like tendencies make them hard to be around.

Reptilian (0): Monstrous humanoids with the reptilian and kurid subtypes.

Medium (0): Medium creatures receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Slow Speed (-1): Base speed of 20 ft. Their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.

Darkvision (2): Can see in the dark up to 60 ft.

Armor (3): +2 natural armor bonus.

Damage Reduction (2): Gain DR 5/piercing.

Iron Constitution (2): +4 racial bonus to Fortitude saves against poison and disease.

Dual-Minded (1): +2 racial bonus to Will saves.

Stability (1): +4 racial bonus to CMD against trip and bull rush attacks.

Focused Study (4): Receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st, 8th, and 16th levels.

Frenzy (2): Once per day, whenever a member of this race takes damage, it flies into a frenzy for 1 minute, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Con and Str, but a -2 penalty to AC.

Languages (0): Begin play speaking Kuriddi only. Kurid with high Intelligence scores can choose from four other languages appropriate to the peoples of their region.

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